Paper Title
The Advancing Roles of Internet of Things (IoT) in Europe's Tourism Industry: Public Relations Strategies Post Covid-19 Pandemic

As a novel study to pic across many academic and industrial fields, including tourism, the Internet of Things (IoT) has gained consider able footing recently. Modern tourist systems are being reshaped by the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution, which considers technological, economic, and social factors. It's changing the way visitors use and manage their interests from conventional to more tailored platforms. The new severe respiratory illness coronavirus 2, which is causing the current world wide pandemic, is the worst globalpublichealthcatastrophe since theinfluenzapandemic of 1918. Thiswitnessedone of themajortroubles in thetourismindustry, whichmade it difficult too perate effectively, as restrictions that were put in place to contain the spread of thevirus. The role of Publicrelations (PR) post Covid-19 pandemic has risen and giving the industry more responsibility in ensuring that her brands and clients stay seen and relevant as the stigmasur rounding the virus has made people afraid and un willing to goback to otherfun of life like touring and sight seeing.Hence, most industries continuet outilize various ways that could keep them connected to the customers and technology became one of the vitalorgans of these developments. The Internet of things continues to advance in terms of it simple mentations across the tourism industry’s PR. This paper will talk about the advancing roles of the IoT in Europe'stour is mindustry PR. Europeannationsre main the largest when it comes to technological adoptions. As a result, the paper is likely to furnish changesmeant to assist the tourist's bookings, customer engagement, search engine optimization (SEO), amongst many others. Keywords - Internet of Thing (IoT), Covid-19 Pandemic, Europe Tourism İndustry, Public Relations