Paper Title
Digital Supply Chain Twin: A Systematic Literature Review

Digital twins in the supply chain are being identified as one of the most relevant trends in supply chain management (SCM). Yet, there appears to be no common understanding of this term in the scientific literature. Though the literature on digital twins is beginning to be relatively well explored, including a number of review articles, the issue of the application of digital twins in the supply chain has not been discussed to date. This paper looks in detail at the research on digital twins in the supply chain, we used the standard systematic literature review method of 41 articles to work out digital supply chain twin technologies (DSCT), The adopted methodology was applied to numerous well-known studies from well-known database articles to recognize DSCT technologies in SCM as well as specific use cases and their expected challenges and benefits, the study leads to a conceptual clarification of DSCT that shows the relevancy for research and application. Keywords - Digital Twin; Supply Chain; Supply Chain Management; Systematic Literature Review