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Abstract – With the growth of exploitation of forest resources in Guinea-Bissau and the demand for cutting trees, this is reaching increasingly critical. And with so much exploitation, it is normal for the country's climate responds aggressively, either through climate change or other natural disasters. The Environmental sustainability consists of several actions, direct and indirect, seeking the balance between economic development social well-being and preserving the environment. Measures to sensitize the population to the abandonment of certain practices harmful to the environment and reforestation, especially in degraded areas, may besome of the policies to adopt for the country to be more environmentally friendly. A more broadly, environmental sustainability can be seen as a means to abandon harmful practices to the forest and to fix, even if slowly, the damage caused by deforestation. And one way to reverse the devastation framework of the country'sforests is through environmental education, which transmitted correctly, goes beyond preservation and conservation of forest, providing quality of life improvements for all Guineans. However, this will deal with the operational development of environmental education plan for the Secretary of State for Environment and Sustainable Development of Guinea-Bissau, aimed at changing attitudes and behaviors of Guinean against the abusive use of forest resources. Inthiscontext,theinvestigationbeganinitiallywiththeliteraturereview,allowing the study of concepts related to environmental education, sustainable development, and in the second phase, I proceeded to the empirical study through semi-structured interview (for five privileged entities) and implementation of the questionnaire survey the 100 individuals in Bissau,Guinea-Bissau. The results show that about 94,0% of the surveyed have heard of environmental education and interviews show that the activities of environmental education in Guinea- Bissau is still in the perspective of curriculum reforms to the 9th year of schooling levels and off school environment are being streamlined by Non-Governmental Organizations through radio programs, newsletters, training and capacity buildingactivities. Keywords - Environmental Education Plan; Sustainable Development and Forest