Paper Title
Gurbani Music Therapy in Managing Human Fear Caused During Covid-19: A Survey Study

Fear is a natural phenomenon. Fear may be caused due tonot being successful in fulfilling the worldly tasks, unaccomplished desires, family issues, instability in life, career obstacles, stress of a particular trauma, physical and emotional pressure, humiliation, oppression, persecution, feeling of inferiority complex etc.Fear if takes long form, can leads to serious disorders such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, blood pressure, heart attack, brain hemorrhage etc. It is advisable to manage fear with some supportive therapies at the early stage.For the last two years (2019-2021), the whole world has been under the influence of the covid-19 epidemic. During this difficult time, mental and physical stress, feeling of isolation, sudden deaths of close family members, and risk of weakimmunity has been faced by everyone and itcreated a wave of fear. The researcher undertook a survey study to observe if Gurbani (Spiritual teachings of Sikh Guru’s compiled in holy Granth, “Shri Guru Granth Sahib”)music intervention could be proved to be a healing touch for those who remained under fear continuously for a longer duration. Many medical systems were mobilized to fight with this serious global pandemic but could not succeed much. Gurbani music as therapy, helped in releasing a chemical called dopamine in the brain andwas able to boost and release immune-boosting hormones which could create a positive emotional experience enabling the patients under fear to overcome this fear,Gurbani music motivated them to lead life with positive spiritand rightdirection. Keyword - Fear, Gurbani, Music, Therapy, Covid