Paper Title
Falling Risk Self-Assessment Technology Adoption by Older

Falling is a big problem for older adults and the society in general. Current technology aiming at assessing the risk of falls is facing even more limitations due to the growing percentage of older adults, getting limited regarding coverage and reachability, making older adults dependent on services that may not be able to cope with the growing demand. Newer technology developments may play a significant role in reducing this gap, but adoption of these products is a key challenge. This article describes the analysis of technology adoption conducted on older adults using a Smartphone-based self-assessment tool developed for the Chilean context. Preliminary results indicate that the technology is positively evaluated regarding factors such as performance and overall quality, with high levels of acceptance. The main conclusion is that while this type of technology tends to quickly capture the interest of older adults, the validity and adoption of it need to focus on challenges such as usability and functionality. Keywords - Risk Falling, Self-Assessment, Older Adults, Technology evaluation, Technology Adoption.