Paper Title
Implementation of the Convergence of Central and Regional Programs in Stunting Reduction Efforts in Gorontalo Province – Indonesia

This paper presents the implementation of the convergence of central and regional programs in efforts to reduce stunting in the Province of Gorontalo – Indonesia. The policy for implementing the convergence of central and regional programs to reduce stunting in the Province of Gorontalo-Indonesia is still on track. However, some problems related to coordination are still found in the field. The stunting intervention in Gorontalo Province was carried out through both sensitive and specific interventions. The solution to overcoming the problem of data that has not been integrated is to build a website that contains data on the targets for implementing integrated stunting reduction interventions. In addition, cross-sectoral coordination is further intensified by utilizing digital platforms that can facilitate the implementation of coordination. Keywords - Stunting Convergence, Cross-Sector, Target Data Integration.