Paper Title
A Review: Iron Intervention on Cognitive Function and Physical Activity in Adolescent

Background: Women, especially those young and/or pregnant, are at high risk of experiencing an iron deficiency. Low iron stores in the body can affect cognitive function and physical activity in adolescents. Therefore, it is necessary to review the literature on the relationship between iron deficiency, cognitive function and physical activity in women and girls. Methods: This study is an article review using sources from Google Scholar, PubMed, and ProQuest database searches from 2014 to 2021. The keywords used are iron deficiency OR Anemia AND Adolescent girls OR Young women AND Activity AND Cognitive. Results: Iron deficiency in the body causes a decline in cognitive functions, especially in the Attention Task domain, Memory Task Domain and Executive function domain. In addition, iron deficiency can also cause a decrease in physical activity in adolescents due to low oxygen supply to the blood and tissues. There are a number of strategies to prevent and combat iron deficiency around the world. Dietary strategies including supplementation, fortification of processed or cooked foods are short and medium term strategies in overcoming iron deficiency and preventing the decline in cognitive function and physical activity as a result of the effects of iron deficiency. Keywords - Iron intervention; Adolescence; Activity; Cognitive