Paper Title
Implementation of Preconception Posyandu Services in stunting Areas in Banggai Regency, Indonesia

The study aims to determine the preconception posyandu services in stunting areas in Banggai Regency, Indonesia. The type of research is a descriptive survey with a total sample of 415 Preconception Women, 27 Health workers and the Head of puskesmas, where data analysis is univariate. The results showed that 32.78% of preconception women have not received Hemoglobin(Hb) measurementservicesand24.82%of preconception women have not received Tetanus Toxoid (TT) immunization, while 25.93% of healthworkers who have not provided Hb measurement services.human beings have gone well. To maintain the continuity of services at the preconception posyandu, it is necessary to assess the performance of activities that have been running until now. Keywords – Preconception posyandu, Stunting, Preconception woman