Paper Title
Water Shoping Facilities With The Existence of Aedes Aegypti Flar in Tontouan Village, Luwuk Banggai

This article presents the presence of Aedes aegypti larvae based on the type of water storage facilities, the color of the water storage facilities, the materials for the water storage facilities, and the location of the water storage facilities. The results showed that the types of water storage facilities that have the most potential as mosquito breeding places are bathtubs, drums, and used tubs (5%), the color of the water storage facilities that have the most potential as mosquito breeding places is dark color (4%), The most potential water storage facility as a mosquito breeding place is iron (25%), the location of the most potential water storage facility as a mosquito breeding place is inside the house (4%). Suggestions to the community are that people are expected to know and reduce water storage facilities that can be a breeding ground for Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Keywords - Water Storage Facilities, Presence of Larvae, Aedes Aegypti.