Paper Title
Application of Circular Economy to Reduce Waste Generation using a System Dynamic Approach in West Sulawesi- Indonesia: Systematic Review

The circular economy is one of the newest approaches worldwide to address the management of the waste problem. This literature review looks at implementing a circular economy with good product management and optimization of product life to reduce the amount of waste generation in West Sulawesi-Indonesia., Indonesia. The library technique used is the Prefered Reporting Item Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) design with 20 articles from 2013-2022 that meet the criteria. It contributes to sustainable development goals, including health and well-being. The results of this study indicate that the application of a circular economy can help Indonesia reduce greenhouse gases and reduce the amount of waste generated as the efficiency of resources and be able to control the amount of waste generation in general and specifically to increase the age of use of goods so that it does not cause long-term impacts including toxic on soil and water that has the potential to harm the food chain and lead to human health problems. Keywords - Circular Economy; Waste Generation; Health.