Paper Title
Overview Of Pregnancy Outcomes based on Childbirth Methods in Pregnant Women with Anemia at St. Madyang General Hospital Palopo City in 2021

Anemia in pregnant women is a condition that occurs during pregnancy which is mostly caused by the mother's iron deficiency. Anemia in pregnancy is a condition of pregnant women with hemoglobin (Hb) levels < 11g / dl in the first and III trimesters, while in the second trimester Hb levels < 10.5g / dl (Ministry of Health RI, 2013). If the condition of anemia experienced by pregnant women continues without proper therapy, pregnant women will experience a condition of childbirth problems that will have an impact on the outcome of their pregnancy. The purpose of this study is to describe the outcomes of pregnancy based on the method of delivery in pregnant women with anemia at St Madyang General Hospital, Palopo City in 2021. The design of the study is a quantitative descriptive approach.The study subjects were obtained from pregnant women who visited the Madyang Hospital in Palopo City in the third trimester and will face the delivery process. Data taken in 2021. The number of respondents was 420 pregnant women with anemia from a total of 1,147 pregnant women visits. The results showed that the outcomes of pregnancy based on the childbirth method in pregnant women with anemia at St Madyang Hospital, Palopo City in 2021, namely Most pregnant women experienced childbirth with assistance, namely 50% of childbirth with Sectio Cesarea (SC) surgery, and 27.8% through induced delivery. Meanwhile, only a small percentage of pregnant women with anemia have a delivery outcome with the normal delivery method of 22.2%. The recommendations are aimed at improving promotive and preventive programs in special groups such as pregnant women to increase prevention efforts against anemia. Keywords - Pregnancy Outcomes, Pregnant Women, Anemia