Paper Title
When the Sexuality is Underestimated in the Online Grooming Research

Even the research on online sexual grooming has progressed in the past period. The attention was even wider during the COVID-19 pandemic when the children spent their time massively on the internet. But, little attention was paid to how different online sexual grooming is perceived and affects boys' behavior in the virtual world. In the latest research (especially the qualitative one), boys become visible and recognizable as potential victims. The RAYUELA project is seen as a fresh wind in the approach and proof that the gender differences affect potential victims' online behavior and even hinder the possible countering strategies to avoid online grooming of young male users. The presented article will focus on the limitation to target male online grooming victims, the strategies of offenders how to approach the online female victim, the stereotypes in the online grooming behavior and socio-cultural limitation that hinder a successful combating of male online grooming. The attempt is to challenge the theoretical approach rooted in the research and to show the latest trends in the area of gender differences in the online child grooming research.