Paper Title
How to Implement Value-Based Healthcare in Hospital? A Systematic Review of the Literature

Hospitals account for a large share of health spending. Value-based healthcare (VBHC) is a strategy to address the challenges facing healthcare today. This study aims to contribute to the literature on implementing the value-based healthcare concept in hospitals.This review used three online electronic databases (PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Proquest). The searched keywords on titles or abstracts were (hospital OR hospitals) AND (implemented OR implementing OR implementation) AND (value-based health-care OR VBHC OR value-based healthcare OR VHB). The inclusion criteria of the studies include written in English, accessible full-text, done in humans, research articles, related to the process of implementing value-based healthcare in hospitals, and published from 2012 to the present. Eleven out of 123 studies investigated in search phase were eligible to include in this literature review.There are four minimum components in implementing VBHC: (1) organizing care pathways, (2) collecting a set of outcomes, (3) building an information platform, and (4) using short-term and long-term outcomes for clinical decisions and for improving care. The structure for the implementation is in six development phases: (1) preparation of the whole organization; (2) preparation of each clinical pathway; (3) design; (4) building; (5) implementation; (6) evaluation and improvement. VBHC program can be implemented by designing an episode of care for qualified patients and developing a bundle of payment model.Valuefor the patients is the fundamental drive for implementing VBHC.Implementation of VBHC is a complex process. Keywords - Implementation, Value-based healthcare, Hospitals, Complex process, Components, Phases.