Paper Title
Implementation of Antenatal Class on Mental Health in Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings changes to the physical and psychological condition of pregnant women. Some women are prone to mental disorders during pregnancy. Stress, anxiety and depression are common mental health problems. Antenatal class services are aimed at mothers and their families to prepare the mother's physical and mental condition during pregnancy, facing childbirth until the postpartum period. This literature is mostly obtained from Pubmed, Proquest and Science Direct which discuss how the implementation of antenatal classes on mental health during pregnancy. The results of the literature search show that pregnant women who receive continuous and complete antenatal classes have a positive impact on the readiness of pregnant women to face childbirth, increase self-confidence and readiness for parenting. The most important thing in implementing classes for pregnant women is that the education provided is tailored to the needs of pregnant women. To reach a wider range of pregnant women in addition to using conventional methods (face to face), it is important to develop online (electronic). Keywords - Antenatal Classes, Antenatal Education, Antenatal Care, Mental Health , Pregnancy.