Paper Title
Preconceptional Health Counseling and Stunting Prevention

This paper presents the results of a literature review on the importance of preconception health counseling in preventing stunting in newborns. The literature search refers to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) guidelines. The literature in this study is mostly sourced from online journals accessed from scientific article sites that have open access such as ScienceDirect, PubMed, and ProQuest. The strategy used is the PICOS framework, resulting in 171 articles. This article was then further analyzed regarding the title and abstract and obtained 12 articles that met the requirements. Various forms of intervention have been carried out to prevent stunting, including improving nutrition through nutritional supplementation. This Nutrition Intervention must be supported by various sensitive intervention efforts such as education and counseling efforts to increase community knowledge and skills in stunting prevention efforts. In some articles, it was found that counsel and counseling efforts must be carried out using a directed and effective module theory based. Keywords - Health counsel, preconception, stunting