Paper Title
Literature Review the Interprofessional Education and Collaboration Model

In 2010, WHO study group on interprofessional education and collaborative practice developed a Framework for Action on Interprofessional Education and collaborative practice (IPEC) initiated by John HV Gilbert and Jean Yan. The aim is to provide strategies and ideas to health policy makers to implement interprofessional education models and collaborative practices in their respective institutions. Currently, the need for interprofessional education and collaborative practice is urgently needed, this is due to the Covid 19 pandemic outbreak that has occurred since early 2020 and has caused many health workers to die. Simultaneously, the whole world faces the same problem, namely the shortage of health workers, which also has an impact on the increasingly complex health problems faced. The purpose of this literature review is to review the literature on Android-based interprofessional education implementation models in coastal areas. This is a narrative review using adatabase source from Pubmed. Key terms like Interprofessional education, Collaboration, Android. Of the 218 studies identified in the search phase, 8 qualified RCT studies, but there was one similar article so that only 7 articles met. Interprofessional education and collaboration can optimize health services, strengthen health systems, and improve health outcomes. Keywords – Inter Professional Education, Collaboration, Android