Paper Title
Exploring the Effects of Talent Management on Public Healthcare Institutions in Uganda

This paper presents a discussion on the nature and effects of talent management in public healthcare institutions in Uganda. This paper also delves into a systematic literature review, in order to consolidate existing literature on this matter. In response to changes in the workplace, talent management has emerged as a competitive strategy for modern organisations. With the global shortage of healthcare workers, healthcare institutions that are interested in providing high quality and equitable care, need new ways of managing talented employees, so as to achieve sustainable development. Data was collected using a questionnaire that was distributed to a sample of 910 respondents in the relevant public healthcare institutions; and analysed using STATISTICA software. The results reveal that there is a significant positive relationship between talent management, employee retention and holistic development for organisational performance. Thus, talented nurses, doctors, clinical officers and other employees need to work together with their interconnected systems and technology, such as medical infrastructure, machinery and equipment. As they care for patients, they should act in respect of the diagnosis and management of healthcare by using the resources available to them to improve the performance of hospitals. Such a working environment would ensure better outcomes in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients. Keywords - Employee Talent, Healthcare Sector, Healthcare in Uganda, Public Institutions, Talent Management, Employee Retention, Holistic Development for Organisational Performance.