Paper Title
Enhancing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at a University of Technology: Reflections on Policy Initiatives in Promoting Quality Enhancement

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a process characterised by a nexus of research, teaching, and the integration of existing knowledge. During this process, university lecturers and scholars, reflect on, and about their teaching by exploring and applying good practices for teaching and learning. Ascertaining what and how students learn are central to the development of quality, innovative teaching practices and university wide initiatives geared at enhancing learning amongst students.This study engages with the notion of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) though its interwoneness with quality enhancement within the confines of a University of Technology, South Africa. Various initiatives and policy directives, implemented at the University of Technology are analysed through a qualitative content analysis research methodology, to ascertain the extent to which quality enhancement endeavours are promoted, within the ambit of SOTL. The university of Technology’s policy initiatives and implementation attempts at responding to higher education teaching imperatives and national directives, seem to be adequately applied and focused on creating a conducive milieu for the professional development of lecturers and improved student learning and success. Keywords - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Policy Initiatives.Quality Enhancement