Paper Title
Predictive Power of Self-Efficacy, Training Content on Job Performance: Moderating Role of Training Effectiveness. An Empirical Approach in Oman Higher Education Sector

This research aimed to examine the impact of self-efficacy, familiarity with training content on employee’s job performance, and further test how training effectiveness moderate the relationship between these factors and employees job performance. Data were collected from 184 academic and administrative staff who attended a training program. The study found that self-efficacy, familiarity with the content of the training will result to high employee’s job performance. The result further confirms the importance of training effectiveness subsequently affects their reactions to job performance. Other contextual determinants such as workplace environment remain unexplored. Future study can further examine the interactive effects of these variables on employee’s job performance. It is important that managers provide training-related information, like content complexity and employee increase self-efficacy before actual training program. Because the more employees are familiar with the training content the more self-efficacy they will generate, and the more effective the training program the better employees job performance. The findings have showed that both individual and environmental factors affect training outcomes. Keywords - Self-Efficacy, Training Effectiveness, Training Content, Job Performance, Higher Education.