Paper Title
The Effect of Adopting Tutoring Strategy to Catch- Up COVID-19 Pandemic Learning Loss during the Electronic Learning

The current study aimed to investigate the effect of adopting a tutoring strategy to catch-up learning loss that emerges as a result of switching to online learning during the pandemic of COVID-19. The participants of the study were 17 female students at Najran University who enrolled in the researcher course. A mixed method was used and a paired-sample t test (pre-posttest) to collect and analyze the data. The findings demonstrated that the applied tutoring strategy improved the students’ academic performance, with t(16)= 3.2, p<.05. The participants reported that being familiar with the instructors methods during the tutoring help them understand the course materials and tests better. However, as pandemic learning recovery will continue for few years, more studies are needed to examine other strategies which assist in recovery of learning losses emerged due to pandemics. Keywords - Online Learning, Learning Loss, Tutoring, COVID-19, Pandemic.