Paper Title
Egg External Characteristics Uniformity between and within Red-Wattled Lapwing Nests in Kirkuk

The purpose of the current experiment is to study the external characteristics of the eggs and to know the uniformity between and within the nests of Red-wattled lapwing. It was done in southern part of Kirkuk governorate during April to June 2021. The nests were recognized and located by noting typical breeding behaviour, and most observations were recorded during mid-day hours. Forty eight eggs from 12 nests were taken, and the number of egg laid, egg length, egg breadth and egg shape index were recorded. General linear model (GLM) within SPSS program was used to calculate mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation of egg measurements. Duncan multiple range test was used to test the differences between the means. The overall mean for egg length, breadth and Egg shape index were 43.00 mm, 30.88 mm and 71.90 respectively. The differences among the values of different numbers of nests in all studied traits were highly significant according to Duncan test. Values of CV resulted in the current study ranged between 1.20 - 4.25; 0.73 - 2.32; and 0.56 - 4.70 for egg length, breadth and shape index respectively. Most of the correlation values between the nests are very high and being 1 or near to 1. It can be concluded from the result that there were significant differences among different nests of Red-wattled lapwing in their external egg traits, and all traits have coefficient of variation less than 5 %. The correlation values between the nests are very high and being 1 or near to 1. Key-Words - Egg, Wild bird, Red-Wattled lapwing