Paper Title
Causes of Lack of Interest in Blood Donation among Eligible individuals in Buraimi

Blood donation refers to the process of collecting, testing, preparing, and storing blood and blood components to save lives. (1) The 40% decrease in blood donation urged the Ministry of Health (MOH) Oman for a general call, to donate blood. Otherwise, a shortage of blood units likely to happen in the blood bank and hospitals. (3) This article investigates the causes of lack of interest in blood donation for eligible individuals in Buraimi. This research utilizes descriptive-quantitative design among 120 participants of Buraimi polyclinic from October 01-30, 2021. After gaining their consent, a questionnaire consisting of 20 question items in separate sections of personal, medical &health and religious&culturalwas distributed. This study concludes that items in the personal reasons yield the highest percentage compared to health & medical and religious & cultural reasons causing lack of interest in blood donation. Keywords - Lack of interest, Eligible individual, Blood donation.