Paper Title
Large Company’s Management of Client/Customer Data against Data Breach Prevention

The rapid development of technology enabled society to quickly adapt to current world changes, particularly in the last few years. The digital world is impacting more and more aspects of society's lives. How secure is their clients' data kept with them? If the company is not kept and stored securely, it can become an easy target for cybercriminals. This research will explore the changes and actions of large companies in regard to data breach prevention management strategies. To synthesise the changes made over the years by large companies’ customer data breach prevention management strategies over the past several years. To document the actions taken by large companies in the event of a data breach. To indicate which of their prevention strategies may be applicable in the future. The three companies had a few common traits in dealing with each case. Examining how large companies' customer data breach prevention management strategies have changed over the past several years, necessitates more internal primary data from within each company. Keywords - Data Breaches, Response Strategies, Data Protection, Cyber Security, Banking and Finance.