Paper Title
Glucose Biosensors and their Potential Application in the Point-Of-Care Testing

The most common endocrine disease of glucose metabolism is diabetes mellitus. Nowadays, it is also a major health issue for the majority of developed civilizations.The observed evolution of monitoring and treating diseases, particularly diabetes mellitus, was accompanied by the development of a glucose sensor, which has significantly improved glycemic control and stopped the growth and progression of complications associated with diabetes [1-3]. Despite the fact that the glucose biosensors were expanded in recent year, rapid and reliable measurements at the point-of-care testing remains a challenge. This method enables the patient to quickly and sensitively measure the required analyte at the patient's location. This excludes the time that the patient had to devote to travel so far, and significantly reduces the time of the analysis itself. These portable instruments are easy to use and require no investment, but their quality is restricted by some factors such as lifetime, temperature, manufacturing process, and storage [4,5]. Herein, the novel glucose biosensor based on the hybrid nanomaterials will be presented. This system based on its unique properties such as broad linear range, high sensitivity, and long biosensor life-time can find the application in the point-of-care testing (POCT). This work was divided into five main steps. In the first one, the magnetite nanoparticles were obtained, then this nanomaterial was covered with a film of biomimetic polymer. This platform was used for the immobilization of glucose oxidase. The surface of the electrode then was modified with the obtained nanomaterial, and prepared in this step biosensor was used in the test on the real glucose samples (i.e. human serum, human blood, or infusion fluids). The proposed biosensor based on its properties can be the potential alternative for the commercially available sensors. Moreover, the proposed hybrid nanomaterial can be a universal matrix for the immobilization of biomaterials and finally detectionof another analyte. This work was financed and prepared as part of a research project supported by the National Science Center Poland, no. 2017/27/B/ST8/01506. Dr. Artur Jędrzak is also grateful to the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) for its support through a START scholarship. Keywords - Glucose biosensor; Point-of-care testing; Electrochemistry; Screen-printed electrode