Paper Title
Multi-objective Optimization to Evaluate the Compressive Strength of Concrete by Combining Non-Destructive Techniques

The concrete compressive strength is one of the most important parameters in the evaluation of the mechanical performance of reinforced concrete structures. The recent methodology for the evaluation of concrete strength in an existing structure combines non-destructive testing (NDT) measurements, such as rebound hammer measurement and ultrasonic pulse velocity measurement, with destructive measurements (sampling) in order to develop a conversion model, between the mechanical strength and the non-destructive measurements. The conversion model is then used to estimate the local value of strength at each location of the non-destructive measurements and thus to represent the spatial variability. The goal of this study is to propose a new methodology based on multi-objective optimization to predict the compressive strength of concrete and its variability based on NDT measurements. To this end, a large experimental and synthetic database of destructive and non-destructive tests was used. The conclusions drawn from the synthetic data will be compared with the results obtained on the real database in order to test the potential of the proposed methodology. This study shows the principle of the methodology and the first results of its effectiveness in predicting compressive strength and its variability. Keywords - Concrete Compressive Strength, Non-Destructive Techniques (NDT), Rebound Hammer (RH), Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV), Optimization, SonReb, Mono-Objective, Bi-Objective, Multi-Objective.