Paper Title
Emotional Maturity among Senior Secondary School Students of East Sikkim

The existing investigation aims to identify emotional maturity among senior secondary school student of Sikkim and the study was confined to east districts of Sikkim state. The main objectives of this research is to study the emotional stability of senior secondary students of Sikkim in favour to their gender, to study to emotional progression of senior secondary students of Sikkim in favour to their gender, to study to social adjustment of senior secondary students of Sikkim in favour to their gender, to study to personality integration of senior secondary students of Sikkim in favour to their gender, to study to independence of senior secondary students of Sikkim in favour to their gender. The data were collected from 94 students of Sikkim by using standardized tool constructed by Dr. Yashvir Singh and Dr. Mahesh Bhargava (2016). This tool consists of 48 items divided in five factors viz. (i) Emotional stability (ii) emotional progression (iii) social adjustment (iv) personality integration and (v) Independence are used in this present research. The data were analysed with the help of statistical analyses by using Mean, S.D, and ‘t’ ratio. The results were discussed according to the significant values obtained. Based on the results certain findings and conclusion were drawn. Keywords - Emotional Maturity, Emotional Progression, Social Adjustment, Personality Integration and Independence.