Paper Title
Intelligent Connected Mobility 4.0: Legislative Initiatives at the Domestic Level

The rapid growth in the deployment of intelligent connected driving in the European Union (EU) has hadan undeniable effect at the domestic level. Given the absence of uniform regulations for intelligent connected vehicles (ICVs) at the supranational level, EUmember states have made certain attempts towards regulation at the national level. To locally ensure smooth and unambiguous deployment of ICVs, Germany has already introducedthe first legislative initiative forthe regulation of ICVs at the domestic level,whereas the United Kingdom provides an approach to regulation acceptable in common law system countries. Simultaneously, some EU-member states pursue the so-called status quo or laissez-faire approach, whereasothers standbetween two regulatory options, such as those that regulate ICV public testing attheexperimental stage of ICV deployment. This conference paper (1) discloses the current legislative initiatives vis-à-vis the regulation of ICVs at the national level and (2)scrutinises both convergences and divergences in domestic ICV-related regulatory strategies. Keywords - Intelligent Connected Vehicles (ICVs), Statusquoor laissez-faireApproach, Civil Liability Regulation, ICV Deployment, ICV Public Testing.