Paper Title
Therapeutic Potential of Mir-7 in Prostate Cancer

Insights into the roles of miRNAs in cancer, have made miRNAs attractive tools and targets for novel therapeutic approaches. Here, we showed a strong correlation between miR-7 expression and p53. Moreover, miR-7 targeted HIF-1α pathway and PI3K-AKT/MDM2 pathway to regulate glucose metabolism andto replenish partial role of p53 in regulating prostate cancer cell malignant behavior. Ectopic expression of miR-7 inhibited the proliferation and cloning of prostate cancer cells as well as prostate cancer organoids, while promoted cells apoptosis and increased chemosensitivity to Doxorubicin. Upregulated miR-7 in prostatecancer (PCa) cells suppressed subcutaneous xenograft growth, lung metastasis and inhibited prostate tumor progression in TRAMP mice (p53 lost). Further studies identified that administration of miR-7 suppressed in-vivo tumor initiation, proliferation, and metastasis. Consistently, low miR-7 expression significantly correlated with poor survival in prostate cancer patients. In summary, our research highlights a novel role of miR-7 in PCa and a promising target for development of miRNA-based therapeutics, especially for PCa patients with p53 mutations.