Paper Title
The Comparative of Environmental Impacts of Interlocking Paving Block Production using Municipal Incinerated Bottom Ash as Aggregate on Si Chang Island, Chonburi, Thailand

This research aims to evaluate the environmental performance of interlocking paving block production using municipal incinerated bottom ash (MIBA) as aggregate compared with the conventional interlocking paving block production based on Si Chang Island using Life cycle Assessment (LCA) for evaluation. The environmental performance of the productions was analyzed by using SimaPro software version 8.3.0 using the ReCiPe method. The selected environmental impacts include Climate change, Ozone depletion, Terrestrial acidification, Human toxicity, Terrestrial Ecotoxicity, and Fossil depletion which are expected to release from the raw material acquisition process to paving block production or cradle-to-gate. The result showed that interlocking paving blocks that use MIBA as raw material substitution have lower environmental impacts than the conventional interlocking paving block. Using MIBA as sand substitution is slightly increased environmental impacts in higher replacement level, however, it still has lower environmental impacts than the conventional interlocking paving block. This research suggested that using better technologies to increase the efficiency of the process for MIBA separation can contribute the better environmental performance of the interlocking paving block production. Keyword -Environmental impacts, Interlocking Paving Block, Life cycle assessment (LCA), Municipal incinerated bottom ash.