Paper Title
Values and Value Educatıon Accordıng to Students of Educatıon Faculty

This study aims to put forward students’ opinions about value education and values the students who were in the last grade of education faculty had. Descriptive survey model was used as a main research design in the study. A convenience sampling method was used to determine the participants. As a working group, a total of 472 pre-service teachers who were studying at 3rd and 4th grade in the Faculty of Education Social Studies Education, Classroom Instruction Education, Pre-school Education, Science Education and Turkish Language Teaching departments from two separate state universities were included in the survey. "Value Education Written Opinion Form" prepared by the researchers was applied to pre-service teachers in order to collect the data. In addition to the personal information questions about the variables of gender, department and value education, there were open-ended questions to determine their views about what values were considered more important by the pre-service teachers, how to teach and evaluate values. In the process of developing the form, the questions prepared by the researchers were presented to the experts' opinions and necessary corrections were made according to the feedback. The intelligibility of the resulting draft form was tested by applying to a sufficient number of pre-service teachers for trial. After this application, the form was made ready for the actual application as a result of the necessary arrangements. The data obtained through the form was analyzed by means of content analysis method and presented in the form of tables; findings were discussed with the support of the literature. This comparative study has revealed possible similarities and differences on views of the pre-service teachers with different branches who have studied in different departments of the Faculty of Education. Keywords - Education Faculty, Value Education, Pre-service Teacher