Paper Title
Impact of Covid-19 on Psychological Well-being of Catering Workers

This study examines the impact of Covid-19 on the well-being of catering workers in the Hospitality Industry. The hospitality industry was massively hit during Covid-19 with occupancy rates dropping rapidly. COVID -19 also known as Coronavirus disease is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. The disease was first identified in 2019 in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei, China, and has since spread globally, resulting in the 2019-2020 coronavirus pandemic. When talking about the psychological well-being (or psychological outcomes) of catering employees working in the hospitality industry, this aspect is ignored largely as the researchers mainly target their studies on the nature of coronavirus disease, its impact on the country’s economy as well as tourism industry or the arrival of vaccines developed by various nations. Not only the occupancy rates drop rapidly they also impacted the psychological well-being of the catering workers. Job insecurity, anxiety, perturbation and uncertainty are the root causes affecting the psychological well-being of catering workers. Massive Job loss have occurred in the hospitality sector. Consequently, this study is a timely response to the researchers as it will provide insights into the domain of job insecurity, which is affecting psychological well-being of catering workers in hotel industry directly. In Conclusion, the main objective of this study is to scrutinize the impact of job insecurity and anxiety on the well-being of catering workers and further recommend a few approaches for researchers to mitigate its devastating effects. Keywords - Hospitality Industry, COVID-19, Psychological Well-being, Job Insecurity