Paper Title
Priority Analysis of Floating Photovoltaic National Standards in Indonesia with the AHP Approach

The floating solar power plant growth is increasing rapidly, Indonesia is currently building the first and largest floating solar power plant in ASEAN with a capacity of 145 MW. Seeing the development and potential of floating solar power plants in Indonesia, it is necessary to make a national standard because there are still many challenges in its implementation, such as the uncertainty of its impact on the environment, complexity in the design and operation of floating photovoltaic system. The objective of this paper is to define the priority needs for the national standard of floating solar power plants in Indonesia so that the result will be used as a reference in supporting the PV mini-grid development program in Indonesia to facilitate the government and stakeholders in determining strategies and policy directions. There are 3 objective criteria in formulating Indonesian National Standardization, namely Quality Assurance, efficiency, and protection of consumers, producers, and the environment. Therefore, this paper uses the analysis of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) in determining the requirements for national standards and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine the order of priority for the needs of the National Standard for floating solar power plant. The result of the AHP analysis, it is concluded that the order of priority of the national standard for floating solar power plants currently needed in Indonesia is a feasibility study, system design, and component quality. Keywords - Floating Photovoltaic, National Standard, Renewable energy, AHP, SWOT, SNI