Paper Title
Implementing of Cleaner Production Practices for Controlling Pollution in Petroleum Industry

Cleaner Production as a tool is a continuous application of an integrated, preventive and environmental management strategy to increase the overall efficiency and reduce risks to human and environment. The petroleum industry plays a crucial role in Iranian circular economy. Despite its economic benefits, this industry consumes a large amount of chemicals and generates waste, which poses risk to human health and the environment. I. R. Iran is a party to chemicals and waste instruments such as the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions and an active member of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management; therefore, these environmental challenges will be tackled in this ambitious 18-month project that is supported by the UNEP to strengthen the country's institutional capacity for the sustainable management of chemicals and waste through a cleaner production approach within the Petroleum industry. The objective of the Project is to support country-driven institutional strengthening at the national level, in the context of the Cleaner Production Practices, addressing resource, energy and waste management to increase sustainable public institutional capacity towards a circular economy and industrial resiliency by reducing pollution. Keywords - Cleaner Production, Petroleum Industry, Sound Management of Chemicals, Multilateral Environment Agreement