Paper Title
The Impact of Talent Management Application in Increasing The Effectiveness of Performance Through The Balanced Scorecard Egypt- An Applied Study on The Workers of The Suez Canal Authority–

The current study aimed to investigate the impact of talent management practices on increasing the effectiveness of organizational performance by using the Balanced Scorecard(BSC), as well as evaluating the moderated impact of the administrative empowerment by applying it to the employees of the Suez Canal Authority, Egypt, where the problem of the study is that most organizations do not realize the value of talent management as The most valuable resource for the success of its strategy in order to remain competitive and maintain its significant position in the dynamic business environment surrounding it, which requires it to redouble efforts to achieve this development and quickly to reach degrees of excellence in order to survive and continue in the internal and global market. The current study relied on the Suez Canal Authority, the study population consisting of approximately (17000) individuals working in it and a simple random sample (367) will be drawn from them. Through the use ofSPSS 26 & Amos25. The results of the study concluded that there is a statistical significant effect of talent management practices on the effectiveness of organizational performance, and administrative empowerment modifies the relationship between talent management and performance effectiveness. Keywords - Talent management, performance effectiveness, administrative empowerment