Paper Title
Milk Whey Protein Benefits to Improve Physical Performance, Relieves Depression and Elevates Mood of College Students

Milk Whey Protein is one of the most important protein to improve physical and mental performance due to its content of amino acids and dipeptide, and nanoparticle which help in the quick absorption and may be of high benefits to the performance of the athletes. The object of the study is to assess the milk Whey Protein benefits to improve physical performance, relieves depression and elevates mood of college students of Port-Said University, aged (21.4±2.3 years). They were divided to two equal groups, a control one (n=15) received placebo and experimental group received Whey Protein (30 grams) for two months once daily. Tests including serotonin H, cortisol H. B-Endorphin together with biochemical tests (T.Protein, creatinine, lactate, CPK). Results: There was significant improvement in hormonal assay together with the biochemical tests of the study for the sake of the experimental group compared to control group. Conclusion: Milk Whey protein administration demonstrates beneficial effect to improve physical performance, relieves depression and elevates mood of college students. Keywords - Milk Whey Protein, Physical Performance, Depression, Mood, College Students.