Paper Title
Sedentary Posture Alerting Device

In the current scenario, a stationary way of life is apatternandindividualsaresittingmuchmorethantheyusedtodo. Furthermore,sittingwithanincorrectpostureforsuchlongperiods willgreatlycreateanimpactintheirphysicalwellbeing. Agoodpostureisreallyimportanttokeepourspinehealthyanddecrease the abnormal stress on spinal surfaces and ligaments. The effects of maintaining a bad posture leads to respiratory and exoskeleton disorders. As a result, in order to remind users to maintain proper posture, we devised a simple but effective posture correction concept that alerts the user through haptic feed back delivered wirelessly via an armband. Our prototype must be strapped into a chair with adjustable belts, and an Ultrasound and a Force resistive sensor is mounted near the user's neck and lower spine respectively. If the user’s posture is wrong, then the readings from the sensor counterpart won’tagreewiththethresholdthatistobecalibratedwhilesettingupthedevicewithaproperposture.Thiswillwirelesslytriggertheband with a vibration motor that is to be tied around the user’ sarm using a compact trans-receiver setup. This will assist the user with keeping an eye over his posture much over expanded times of stationary working. Over a Bluetooth module, the posture statistics will be displayed on a mobile application using which the user can get an insight of how well he is maintaining his posture. Keywords - Sensing position, Force