Paper Title
Government Human Capital and Their Working Morale

The purposes of this paper were to investigate the working morale of the officers who worked in government offices and to investigate factors that determined the morale level of the officers in Bangkok, Thailand. The population was all officers who worked in human capital department of educational sector of government. Based on the method of Krejcie and Morgan, a total of 96 officers from all districts of Bangkok were the samples. The findings revealed that working environment, safety, and security of work were among the important determinant factors. Moreover, performing duties by principles and rules was found to highly support working morale. In fact, faith and confidence towards the organization and willingness to continue working for the organization were perceived less to support their morale. This paper offered a detail and suggestions in regards to improvement of the management of the local governments in the selected area. Creating job security, pride and dignity, commanders� fair treatment and unambiguous planning for subordinates� career path were some examples mentioned. Keywords- Education, Human Capital, Working Morale.