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Using Computational Intelligence to Verify Electronic Signatures

Electronic signature is not limited to only the electronic handwritten representation of a traditional pen to paper signature. According to ECTA (2002:10) electronic signature means data associated with an individual that serves as a signature which includes biometrics data (fingerprints, retina scans, facial scan). ECTA has laws that have specific requirements for an electronic signature and electronic representation of a signature which is the focus of this research meets the requirements. Electronic signatures as attested by [4] form a capability to allow two parties online to have agreement which is binding by law. In this paper, we look at a way to verify electronic signatures by comparing two electronic signatures of an individual. The focus will be on comparing between a face-to-face signature we have on a database and the new captured signature on a canvas online. To improve the acceptability of signature authentication standards we will be doing a comparison that will calculate the accuracy of two handwritten electronic signatures and return a percentage that will confirm if the electronic signature is from the same individual or not, which will make electronic signature secure and accurate to a specific individual. Keywords - Computational Intelligence, Signature comparisons, Signature verifications, SignatureAuthentication Standards.