Paper Title
Organizational Attractiveness and Intentions to Apply For a Job: Examining the Use of Campus Recruitment as a Moderator

Recruitment channels of enterprises are varied. Recruitment channels are important in acquiring talent, but also can be used to promote the company’s image, making more people be aware of the company and increasing its attractiveness to job seekers. One of the recruitment channels is campus recruitment. It is often used to attract graduates and foster their desire to work for the company. Prior research does not pay adequate attention to how the traditional manufacturing industry can project a clear corporate image to potential applicants. In this study, we examined the moderating effect of the use of campus recruitment on the relationship between organizational attractiveness and job-seekers’ intentions to apply for jobs. This research conducted a questionnaire survey on potential applicants and new recruits of a beverage manufacturing company. A total of 103 usable questionnaires were obtained. The results showed that the company’s organizational attractiveness was positively correlated with intentions to apply for a job, but the use of campus recruitment did not have the moderating effect.Organizational attractiveness isreflected in five dimensions, namely interest value, development value, social value, economic value, and application value. Thus, we conducted a series of analysis of variance and found that interns valued more the social and application dimensions. In addition, values offered by the company were not attracted to those whose major was other than science/engineering and management. The use of campus recruitment was particularly effective to those who majored in science/engineering as well as the recruits.Therefore, we recommend that the company continues to invest in the campus recruitment for students majoring in science/engineering and to offer social and applicationvalues to its interns. Keywords - Organizational Attractiveness, Campus Recruitment, Intentions to Apply for a Job