Paper Title
The Effect of Flipped Classroom Integrating CSCL Contexts on the Student Teachers� Learning Achievements and Course Satisfaction

This study aims to explore the student teachers� learning achievements and learning perceptions of flipped classroom integrating CSCL contexts. The research was implemented at a national university in Taiwan with 31 student teachers across an eighteen-week course. This study adopted a pre and post-worksheet design. A pre-worksheet was conducted after flipped classroom approach, and then a post-worksheet was conducted after flipped classroom integrating CSCL contexts in which group collaborative discussion was implemented via an online discussion system. The scores of pre and post-worksheets were adopted to evaluate the student teachers� learning achievements. The course satisfaction questionnaire was also collected to understand the participants� learning perceptions of the proposed approach. Pair-sample t-test and descriptive statistics were utilized to measure the study results. The results showed that the student teachers made significant progress from pre to post-worksheets, indicating that the learners improved a lot in their learning achievements from solely flipped classroom to flipped classroom integrating synchronous group discussion activity. In terms of course satisfaction, the learners had positive attitude toward the design of the learning approach. To sum up, the student teachers� learning achievements could be greatly enhanced under flipped classroom integrating synchronous discussion activity compared with solely flipped classroom approach. In addition, the learners gained positive perceptions of the overall course design. Based on the above results, this study attempts to examine and develop flipped classroom approach integrating CSCL contexts whose instructional design can be provided as recommendations for future research and pedagogical implementation in the higher education context. Keyword- Flipped Class Room, CSCL Contexts, Learning Achievements, Course Satisfaction.