Paper Title
Correlation between Hip Abductors and Back Extensor Strength in Nonspecific Low Back Pain

BACKGROUND: mechanical low back pain (MLBP) is a common musculoskeletal pain condition. Decreased hip muscle strength has been implicated as a contributing factor, yet the relationships between pain, hip muscle strength, and function are not known. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether or not there is a correlation between hip abductors and back extensors muscle strength in patients with mechanical low back pain. And if it would be approved there is correlation attention will be paid to strengthen the hip abductors in the physiotherapy program. METHODS In this study, 40 persons(20 patients with mechanical low back pain and 20 normal persons) were assigned into two groups. Group (A) (Normal Group): Twenty patients were included in this group. The data in the table (1) and (Fig.14,15,16) represented their mean age (21.6±4.92) years, mean weight (64.35±13.23) kilograms (Kg), and mean height (164.15±9.78) centimeters (cm). Group (B) (MLBP Group): Twenty patients were included in this group. The data in the table (1) and (Fig. ) represented their mean age (22.4±1.6) years, mean weight (67.45±15.21) kilograms (Kg), and mean height (165.6±10.*-+entimeters (cm). concentric peak torques of back muscles and right and left hip abductors were measured by Biodex isokinetic dynamometer. RESULT: The results revealed that there was no correlation between back extensors and hip abductors' peak torques in mechanical low back pain. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that there is no correlation between peak torques of back extensors and hip abductors in mechanical low back pain also there is no weakness of back extensors neither in hip abductors in mechanical low back pain in comparison to normals. Keywords - Mechanical Low Back Pain, Hip Muscles, Back Strength