Paper Title
Barriers Affecting the Learning of French as a Foreign Language

The research design of this study used the descriptive – survey method. The target population which was considered as respondents of this study were those students taking courses related to communication, international studies, and social science programmes being offered in the universities in the Gulf Region. There were 94 respondents considered and selected randomly as the sample population. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and its comparison among other means, and Pearson Correlation were utilized. All tests were subjected to .05 significance level using the SPSS. Valuable results in the finding that leads to conclusions; Barriers to learning French language are not significantly related to gender. Thus, there is no enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. However, barriers to learning French language have a significant relationship with Nationality. The null hypothesis is rejected. In terms of level of perceived barriers to learning French language, Europeans tend to have the least, followed by Arabic respondents, then Asians, Americans, and last the Africans. Barrier to learning French language is negatively related to the age when the respondent started learning French language. Barrier to learning French language is not significantly related to the number of years studying French language. Barrier to learning French language is not significantly related to respondents’ year level Keywords - French language, Barriers Affecting the Learning, Foreign Language