Paper Title
Clinical Indications of Triphalaguggulu - An Experiential and Scientific View

Guggulu formulations are popularly used by Ayurveda physicians worldwide . These formulations contain guggulu along with other herbal and mineral ingredients . Kanchanaraguggulu , yogarajaguggulu , triphalaguggulu , trayodashangaguggulu , medoharaguggulu , mahayogarajaguggulu , amritadiguggulu , Shadangaguggulu , simhanadaguggulu , kaishoraguggulu and navakaguggulu are few formulations which are frequently used by physicians . Triphalaguggulu is a guggulukalpa which contain triphala ( three myrobalans ) and guggulu . It is commonly used in diseases like Naveenavrina, puranavrina, vericosity of leg veins , abcess, non healing ulcer, hemorrhoids , and skin diseases like eczema , furunculosis , fistula in ano, and skin infections. It is having the actions like dipana, pachana , raktashodhaka , rasayana , pooyahara, krimighna , antiinflammatory, antiinfective , bactericidal , antibacterial and immunomodulator actions . The present paper highlights about the clinical indications of triphalagugguluin an experiential and scientific view. Keywords - Ayurveda, Triphalaguggulu, Rasayana.