Paper Title
Heart Rate Variability as a Predictor of Cognitive Performance

Cognitive functions are mental capacities that allow accurate analysis and management of environmental data. Cognitive functioning is a broad term that encompasses a variety of mental skills, such as listening, understanding, recalling, problem solving, decision making, and concentration. Cognitive capacity preservation is critical for older adults to sustain a safe, engaged, and autonomous lifestyle. If it's administering various prescriptions, developing new talents and interests, or handling budgets and paying expenses, certain daily tasks involve complicated cognitive processes. As a result, a greater understanding of the protective impact of social interaction on cognitive performance is critical for developing solutions or therapies that target cognitive declines in older adults. Engineers and computer professional’s males have a high spatial capacity and females have a strong verbal associative memory. Both males and females in engineering and computer science/ information technology possessed superior empirical, spatial, and logical reasoning skills1. The production of quantitative indicators of autonomic function has been sparked by experimental evidence of a link between the risk of fatal arrhythmias and signals of either a rise in sympathetic tone or a reduction in vagal tone which can be easily seen using heart rate variability (HRV). It is a straightforward assessment of the Autonomic Nervous and Cardiovascular Systems. Heart rate variability is an outstanding indicator of autonomic tone regulation through cognitive processing, with the perceptual task having the greatest impact. Furthermore, the time spent completing the cognitive tasks tended to have less of an impact on the high-fit category, which can be interpreted as an indicator of more productive sustained focus. In the absence of dementia, extreme coronary disease, or other medical or psychological disorders, both increased sympathetic and decreased parasympathetic activity seem to be associated with impaired cognitive function. That shows that autonomic nervous system (ANS) influences cognitive performance. HRV is a potential early biomarker of cognitive dysfunction in people who have not had a stroke or dementia. To reduce the risk of cognitive decline, this index should be analysed from a preventative standpoint. Keywords - Heart rate variability, Cognitive performance