Paper Title
Clinical Indications of Mrityunjaya Rasa: An Experiential and Scientific View

Herbomineral formulations are commonly prescribed in the management of various disorders by Ayurveda physicians. Arogyavardhinivati , Agnitundivati, Pravalapanchamrita rasa, Yogarajaguggulu , Tribhuvanakirthi rasa, Kamadugha rasa are few formulations which are commonly used in Ayurveda treatment . Mrityunjayarasaisasagandha yoga which is commonly used in disorders associated with fever. It contains shuddhahingula, shuddhavatsanabhatrikatu and tankanabhasmaand ardrakaswarasa . The ingredients are having the activities like dipana , pachana , rasayana , amahara, vedanasthapana, and immunomodulator effects . The present paper highlights about the clinical indications of Mrityunjaya rasa in experiential and scientific view. Keywords - Mrityunjaya Rasa, Immunomodulator, Jwarahara.