Paper Title
Personnel Management Components for Bilingual School in Private Schools

This research the objectives of this study were to personnel management components for bilingual school in private schools in the Thailand country and to examine the composition of personnel management for bilingual school in private schools in the Thailand country. The research by sample used in the quantitative research was 354 bilingual school administrators, foreign teachers or Thai teachers and the chief human resources officer. The sample used in the qualitative research was 15 bilingual school administrators, foreign teachers or Thai teachers and the chief human resources officer. The research results indicated that were found there are 6 components of personnel management by bilingual schools in private school in overall and each aspect were at a high level of personnel management performance. Have 4 driving process personnel management consisted of planning, organizing, leadership and control in overall was at a high level of driving process personnel management which organizing was at a highest level and inferior as follows: planning, leadership and control. The problems state on personnel management for bilingual school in private schools found that some cases; lack of good policy and method, lack of concordance policies and method, lack of a good manpower plan, personnel does not meet the needs of the schools, the school administrators does not understand training and personnel development policy, the lack of fairness in the judgment of the mistake, lack of transparency in some cases for consider getting a person out of work. For the results of the examination of the composition of personnel management for bilingual schools of private schools in Thailand. When looking for a relationship with personnel management processes planning (P), organizing (O), leading (L) and controlling (C). Found that the private school bilingual personnel management consisted of 6 components: policy and method setting, personnel planning, recruitment and appointment, human resource development, discipline and regulations and the vacation from work. Keywords - Composition, Personnel Management, Bilingual Schools, Private Schools