Paper Title
Clinical Indications of Punarnavadi Mandoora an Experiential and Scientific View

Ayurveda medicine is practiced in more than 90 countries in the world. Indian people getting advise by Ayurveda physicians especially for Chronic and non communicable disorders. Punarnavadimandoora is a herbomineral formulation which is commonly used in the treatment. Aim and Objectives To study and evaluate the clinical indications ofPunarnavadimandoora in an Experiential and scientific view. Methods Relevant references are taken from SamhitassangrahaGranthas contemporary literatures journals internet and personal experiences. Discussion Punarnavadimandoora is effective in various non communicable and chronic disorders. There are least side effects after using Punarnavadimandoora. It is a safe, affordable and cost effective medicine which is palatable and we'll accepted by the soceity. Conclusion Punarnavadimandoora is used in Chronic and debilitating disorders. In many non communicable diseases it is commonly given in patients. It increases immunity and strength in these patients. Keywords - Ayurveda, Punarnavadimandoora, Rasayana.