Paper Title
Lagging Behind The Determinants of Urban Planning and Development in an Eastern European Country

Post-socialist societies faced three different types of changes at the end of the 20th century. On the one hand, the transformation of totalitarian political structure and the redesign of economy into a democracy or market economy, on the other hand, the growth of the service sector, which has ousted the dominance of industrial production, and, thirdly, integration from their isolated position into the global world economy. All of these have influenced the development of cities as spatial projections of societies. Most of the East-Central and Eastern European cities have been fighting for sustainable development for the last couples of decades and are trying to reposition themself to the changed regional and global environment. The aim of this paper is to present the impacts that have affected cities in the regime changing countries during the socio-economic transition and how these influenced the development or even the decline of urban functions compared to urbanization processes in other regions of the world. Keywords - Urbanization, Urban Development, Transition, Social Participation