Paper Title
Analysis of Digital-based Marketing Development Problems in the Micro and Small Business Community: A Case Study of the Muslim’s Entrepreneur Business Group in Medan-Indonesia

This study aims to find a Model of Digital-Based Marketing Development Problem in the Muslim’s Micro, Small Business Community in Medan-Indonesia, by using the "Analytical Networking Process" method in-depth interviews and FGD with 7 experts were carried out, filling out a pairwise questionnaire. The study found that the problem model is divided into 2 clusters, namely the internal and external problem clusters. The main internal problem is financial feasibility, that divided into its main elements are the condition of SMEs and collateral problems, followed by marketing problems consist of the main elements are the problem of product innovation and digital marketing using WhatsApp group. The main company performance problems are the problem of profit margins and total sales, and human resource issues which consist of the main elements problem namely self-efficacy, entrepreneurial intention, personal moral philosophy, and skills. The main external problem is the Covid-19 problem which consists of the problem of inflation and purchasing power, followed by the problem of a government that divided into its main elements are the problem of financial support and training facilitation, the financial industry divided into its main elements are the problem of tax relief and loans, and business development agencies cluster consist of training issues, business networking, and business assistance. The level of agreement based on Kendall’s coefficient indicates that the value is between 0 to 0,3214. Keywords - Model of Digital-Marketing Development Problems, Micro and Small Business