Paper Title
Social Distancing, Mask Wearing, and Personal Financial Education: The Quagmire of the COVID-19 Pandemic

This research used participant observation method to investigate how people followed medically recommended methods to curb the covid-19 pandemic. The research was carried out between the period of March and October, 2020, in the city of Columbia, South Carolina, and the city of Ashland, Wisconsin by observing people in public places including but not limited to shopping malls, gas stations, restaurants, and play grounds. Specifics was on how the mask was used and the practice of social distancing. The research discovered that most people still do not use the mask the right way. Many people observed showed that the mask was worn at the point of entering a public place instead of wearing before coming out of their homes or car. Another observation was that people prefer to take off their mask and cough, or sneeze, instead of coughing, and sneezing into the mask. Others also prefer to remove the mask and talk clearly to their audience instead of talking with the mask, some people often forgot of the social distancing rule of 6ft. Finally, many people moved with only one mask instead of carrying more than one to replace in case of breakage especially the disposable mask. Keywords - Pandemic, Social distancing, Mask, and Social Status.